Power Control Algorithms for CDMA over Wireless Fading Channels
2013-12-10 15:48:18   来源:   评论:0 点击:

Abstract—The power control subject; is essential in mobile communication systems, because it can mitigate the near-far problem, increases the system capacity, improves the quality of service, increases the battery life of the mobile terminal, and decreases the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation. In this paper, three different types of power control algorithms will be studied which are; Distributed Power Control (DPC) algorithm, Distributed Balanced Algorithm (DBA), and Foschini’s and Miljanic’s Algorithm (FMA), the Matlab code has been built for each of the three listed algorithm and the results have been presented and finally the comparison between the performance of each of the three algorithms has been generated.

Index Terms—power control, CDMA, FDMA, TDMA, quality of service, capacity improvement near far effect

Cite: Hassan A. Elkour and Abdulsalam H. Ambarek, "Power Control Algorithms for CDMA over Wireless Fading Channels," Lecture Notes on Information Theory, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 105-109, March 2014. doi: 10.12720/lnit.2.1.105-109


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