The Strategic Requirements for an Enterprise Business Architecture Framework by SMEs
2013-12-10 14:37:21   来源:   评论:0 点击:

Abstract—Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have inherent resource and capability constraints. Competing in a dynamic, collaborative, global environment, SMEs need a strategic management tool to help develop the requisite capabilities, structure, and integrate and leverage the underlying IT resources in line with the dynamic market and environmental conditions. We argue that the SME’s combined internal and external environmental challenges call for the support of an Enterprise Business Architecture (EBA) framework – a new strategic tool to facilitate the SME development and management of resources and to capitalize on the environment opportunities. From an extensive exploratory literature review, this paper highlights the limitations of existing IT architectural frameworks for SMEs and explicates the underlying drivers of SME requirements for an alternative business-oriented architectural EBA framework as well as the in-built SME barriers to using EBA. The SMEs need for and associated inherent barriers of EBA are also confirmed by industry expert’s feedback through a preliminary semi-structured online survey.

Index Terms—enterprise business architecture, small and medium enterprises, collaborative network organizations

Cite: Seyran Gh. Dehbokry and Eng K. Chew, "The Strategic Requirements for an Enterprise Business Architecture Framework by SMEs," Lecture Notes on Information Theory, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 32-38, March 2014. doi: 10.12720/lnit.2.1.32-38


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