Recommendation of Information Systems to Motivate Accounting Firm in South Africa
2015-01-15 14:57:03   来源:   评论:0 点击:

Abstract—When accounting firms enter the global market, all managers have to cope with severe strain to facilitate business growth and success of the firm. In recent year, recommendation of Information systems has motivated accounting industry, making their work to be unique. A set of 150 respondents were surveyed with the use of questionnaire to test the acceptance and usage of Accounting Information Systems (AIS). A good number of respondents are aware of AIS and it is accepted for usage. They strongly believe that AIS is user friendly and enhance their work. Therefore the software is recommended for usage in South African Accounting firms. However many are not aware of the software, thus more awareness is needed in South Africa. This study contributed to the growth of accounting information system usage at BDO accounting firm. Accounting Information Systems (AIS) was motivated by the CEO of the company, chief accountant, and the management to adopting the new systems to facilitate accounting work and maintain the competitive advantage of accounting work while it facilitate the economic growth and profit of a firm in South Africa.

Index Terms—information and communication technology, accounting information systems, professional practice, accounting organization

Cite: Oluwaseun J. Awosejo, Raymond M. Kekwaletswe, and Pieter Pretorius, "Recommendation of Information Systems to Motivate Accounting Firm in South Africa," Lecture Notes on Information Theory, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 328-334, December 2014. doi: 10.12720/lnit.2.4.328-334


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