A Study on Personality Traits and Social Media Fatigue-Example of Facebook Users
2014-11-26 16:24:45   来源:   评论:0 点击:

Abstract—Social networking has become a very popular use of the Internet. Social networking sites allow people to communicate and interact with each other, and as a result, the number of social networking users has seen rapid growth over the last few years. According to surveys, the phenomenon of social media fatigue (SoMeFat) has already appeared among social networking site users in certain areas, and these users' enthusiasm for social media has diminished. This phenomenon indicates that users are getting tired of social functions, content and activities provided by social networking sites, and are consequently reducing their usage or frequency of social networking, or even simply giving up on social networking sites. Personality traits are composed of a series of individual characteristics, openness to other people and things, interest in conversation, and openness to perceptions. This study examined the relationship between personality traits and social media fatigue. The results showed that the Big Five personality traits influence social media fatigue. Social media platforms, therefore, may adjust the contents and functions of their websites through an understanding of social media users' personality traits, and may increase users' time on social media websites via provision of customized services.

Index Terms—social media fatigue, social network service, five-factor model

Cite: Ching-Chang Lee, Sam Tung-Hsiang Chou, and Yi-Ru Huang, "A Study on Personality Traits and Social Media Fatigue-Example of Facebook Users," Lecture Notes on Information Theory, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 249-253, September 2014. doi: 10.12720/lnit.2.3.249-253


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