Design and Development of a Haptic Device For Academic Research
2013-06-03 16:09:57   来源:   评论:0 点击:

Abstract-This paper discusses how the term “haptic” can be used to represent four aspects or actions from daily life that can be represented through vibrations, thus complementing or excluding the use of other senses such as vision and hearing. The SUS and the Think Aloud Protocol were used to evaluate the degree of satisfaction users experienced while testing the haptic device developed as part of this work. The results obtained from these evaluation instruments are also discussed in this paper.

Index Terms-: Haptics, Human-computer interaction, user-centered design, virtual reality.

Cite: Héctor Hugo Cortés Dueñas and Miguel ÁngelGarcía Ruiz, "Design and Development of a Haptic Device For Academic Research," Lecture Notes on Information Theory, Vol.1, No.3, pp. 114-117, Sept. 2013. doi: 10.12720/lnit.1.3.114-117


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