Fast Computation of Chebyshev-Harmonic Fourier Moments
2015-12-21 16:22:45   来源:   评论:0 点击:

Abstract—The orthogonal invariant descriptors are among the best region based shape descriptors which are used in many image processing and pattern recognition applications. The Chebyshev Harmonic Fourier Moments (CHFMs) are one of such invariant descriptor. They, however, suffer from high time complexity and numerical instability at high orders of moment. In this paper, we propose a fast method based on the recursive computation of radial kernel function of CHFMs which not only reduces time complexity but also improves their numerical stability. 
Index Terms—Chebyshev harmonic Fourier moments, recursive method, numerical stability

Cite: Rahul Upneja, Chandan Singh, and Ajay Prashar, "Fast Computation of Chebyshev-Harmonic Fourier Moments," Lecture Notes on Information Theory, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 60-64, December 2015. doi: 10.18178/lnit.3.2.60-64


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