System Performance of Adaptive Bandwidth Traffic Shaping Mechanism for Residential Safety System
2014-09-02 11:28:17   来源:   评论:0 点击:

Abstract—A study on system performance of an adaptive traffic shaping mechanism for residential safety system is proposed and discussed in this paper. Traffic shaping is a way to help increase network performance by controlling the amount of data that flows into and out of the network. With new types of applications, traditional traffic shaping techniques may not be sufficient to solve problems in more dynamic clients’ applications. In order to solve the problem efficiently, we present an adaptive traffic shaping for distributed clients connected to the residential safety system which is enabled depending on client’s request made to the server, hence priority access is given. This method does improve the quality of service in the network as shown in both of our simulation and real data results by reducing almost 99% rate of discarded data in the network. In addition, the corresponding performance is further compared between audio and video data in order to see percentage of data lost when employing our adaptive traffic shaping mechanism. Finally, both distributed clients are compared in terms of data transferred whenever the mechanism is enabled. Simulations results obtained indicate the proposed algorithm is effective and feasible.

Index Terms—traffic shaping, WLAN, distributed client, data aggregation, bandwidth priority access, traffic control

Cite: Putri S. Khalid and Wahidah Hashim, "System Performance of Adaptive Bandwidth Traffic Shaping Mechanism for Residential Safety System," Lecture Notes on Information Theory, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 141-145, June 2014. doi: 10.12720/lnit.2.2.141-145


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